Email Marketing and CRM

10 Tips on How to Utilize Email Marketing and CRM for Business

July 11, 20245 min read

Enhance Your Email Marketing with Evolve Suite CRM Integration

Email marketing is far from obsolete. Research shows it's thriving, outperforming platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram in engagement rates. Social media sites average a 0.6% engagement rate, while email marketing boasts a 3.71% click-through rate and a 22.86% open rate.

To add to that, in 2019 alone, 293.6 billion emails were sent and received each day. This number is expected to rise to over 347.3 billion by 2022.

Email marketing is considered a key strategic marketing channel by 91% of marketers, and 40% of B2B marketers say it's critical to their success. In terms of customer acquisition and retention, email marketing leads over organic search, paid search, and social media, according to Emarsys. The ROI for email marketing is impressive, averaging over $42 for every dollar spent.

So, it's clear that email marketing is beneficial for your business. What we want to focus on in this post is how you can maximize its potential by integrating it with the right CRM software. Here are some tips on combining the power of email marketing and CRM to enhance your campaigns:

1. Utilize Every Lead in Your CRM

Step 1: Set up contact forms.

Step 2: Gather leads.

Step 3: Ensure every lead is actioned.

Collecting leads is just the beginning; it's crucial to take specific actions to convert them. Integration between your email marketing and CRM platform is key here. For instance, when you integrate Evolve Suite CRM with your email marketing tools, each lead collected is automatically added to your CRM as a contact and assigned the next action. This ensures your email marketing is timely and personalized, with contact lists synced across platforms, eliminating the need for manual checks.

2. Prioritize Mobile-First Email Campaigns

We all know the importance of being mobile-friendly, but now mobile is paramount. According to Google, customers view a lack of mobile optimization as a sign that a business doesn't care about them.

Sixty percent of email campaigns are opened on mobile devices, and 42.3% of recipients will delete an email that isn't mobile-optimized. So, ensure your email marketing campaigns are designed with mobile in mind, making them both mobile-friendly and responsive to boost their success rates.

3. Craft Compelling Subject Lines

The first impression of your email comes from the subject line. You have just a few seconds to capture attention or risk being marked as spam (which happens 69% of the time due to poor subject lines). Here are some tips for creating great subject lines:

  1. Keep it short: A typical iPhone email app shows only the first 30 characters of a subject line. Most marketers use no more than 60 characters.

  2. Personalize: Adding a personal touch, like the recipient's first name, can boost open rates by 26%.

  3. Avoid spammy words: Words like "free," "help," "percent off," and "reminder" can negatively impact open rates.

4. Target and Focus Your Email Campaigns

Relevance is key in email marketing. If you're targeting customers for a new bed, an email about a memory foam mattress is more likely to be opened than one about garden shears.

By narrowing your focus and sending messages relevant to specific groups, you can achieve better open rates, double the clicks, and up to a 760% increase in revenue. Knowing your leads well is crucial for sending resonant messages. This is where a CRM platform like Evolve Suite can help by gathering all relevant information about your contacts quickly and automatically.

5. A/B Test Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Always be testing. The speed of analyzing campaign performance in digital marketing allows you to test and refine your strategies quickly. Test everything from subject lines, email length, tone, and imagery to calls to action. By making incremental changes and running A/B tests, you can identify what works best and replicate that success.

6. Build Automated Workflows

Automated workflows can save time and ensure consistency in your email marketing efforts. Evolve Suite CRM allows you to set up automated sequences for welcoming new subscribers, following up with leads, or nurturing long-term customer relationships. This automation helps maintain engagement without constant manual effort.

7. Segment Your Audience

Segmentation is crucial for targeting specific groups with relevant messages. Evolve Suite CRM can help you segment your audience based on various criteria, such as demographics, behavior, and past interactions. This ensures your emails are tailored to the right people, increasing the likelihood of engagement.

8. Track and Analyze Performance

Tracking the performance of your email campaigns is essential for continuous improvement. Use Evolve Suite CRM to monitor key metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates. Analyzing this data helps you understand what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to make data-driven decisions for future campaigns.

9. Integrate Social Media

While email marketing is highly effective, integrating it with your social media efforts can amplify your reach. Use Evolve Suite CRM to manage your social media interactions alongside your email campaigns, ensuring a cohesive and consistent brand message across all channels.

10. Personalize Your Communications

Personalization goes beyond using the recipient’s name. Use Evolve Suite CRM to gather detailed information about your contacts and tailor your messages based on their preferences, behavior, and past interactions. Personalized emails show higher engagement rates and foster stronger customer relationships.

To Sum It Up: Elevate Your Email Marketing with Evolve Suite CRM Integration

Bring leads through contact forms, assign actions in your CRM to follow up with the right groups at the right time, run A/B tests, send personalized and optimized campaigns, and track performance. Combining the strengths of email marketing and CRM allows you to maximize your sales potential.

Email marketing and CRM are powerful tools on their own, but when integrated, they create an unstoppable force for driving business growth. Evolve Suite CRM helps you manage the entire customer journey, from lead acquisition to conversion, ensuring you never miss an opportunity to engage with your audience effectively.

By implementing these expert tips, you can harness the full power of email marketing and CRM to boost your small business's success. Explore how Evolve Suite CRM can revolutionize your email marketing efforts and help you achieve your business goals.

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